Monday, October 6, 2014

EDM 510 Fall 2014

You are about to enter the wonderful world of science in Mrs. Bailey's Chemistry & Physics class!

As a high school science teacher, I hope to use an edublog in my future classes. I hope to use it as place to store information for parents such as newsletters and calenders, but also for resources in my classroom like power point presentations, worksheets, and supplementary resources to be used by the students.

Below, I ask that you put yourselves in one of two positions. The first is a parental position. I know that many of us do not yet have children so this may be a stretch for many. I ask that you post ideas that you would like to see on a science classroom blog, for example, pictures of school activities, class activities, etc.

The second position you could take would be a student's position. Again, if you were a student in either my chemistry or my physics class, what would you like to see on this type of blog? I know that everyone may not have a science background which is PERFECT! Most of my students do not have one either. 
Your feedback is very valuable.


  1. I think as a parent the ability to stay informed with what is going on in the class room would be greatly appreciated. I know that I would love to see pictures of my child working in school and events that are taking place. The blog would also make the parents feel closer to the teacher and therefore see you as a teacher as more accessible. I also think as a parent the ability to read about upcoming events and tests and have a place to ask questions about what their child should be doing could go a very long way. I think it is a great idea, but depending on the school I am not sure how much action your blog will get. Not everywhere are parents willing to get that involved.
    As a student, I think just the ability to communicate with each other and ask questions goes a long way. I also think that anytime you add pictures and the students can see themselves they will be that much more likely to visit the page.

    1. You are completely right, Colin! It really does all depend on what type of school you are in. And not just even school, it's the type of classes that you have. I am currently teaching two totally opposite ends of the spectrum. I have parents who are involved in everything then I have parents who could care less about what their student is doing. I do think, however, that pictures of their child would entice most parents, whether they are super involved or not. And, of course, the students love to see themselves doing something. I think that gives them a sense of pride and accomplishment. Your wiki from last week is brought back to mind. Maybe something like this could motivate these students and parents to be more involved (parents) and do better in school (students).

  2. One thing I think would be very helpful for both students and parents as a blog topic would be weekly homework help. In my family, my parents are strong in arts and languages, but we are not math or science people. I can remember plenty of times when I needed help on my science homework and my parents were as helpful as possible, but I could tell they were also slightly stumped on certain topics and concepts. I think it would be extremely beneficial if your blog housed a place where students and parents could go to view a homework guide and participate in homework help discussions.

    1. I completely agree, Brittany. I know where you're coming from. My mom was amazing at history and English but math was definitely not her strong suit. I also know the students that I teach, and having met some of their parents and knowing their backgrounds, I believe that it would be truly helpful for some type of help - whether it be peer help or instructor help.
